Terry Fox Run – Return to Abbotsford!


Sep 15


Mill Lake Park Loop, Abbotsford




MNBC, in partnership with the Fraser Valley Métis Association, would like to extend an invitation for the public to join us for the return of the Terry Fox Run that we are hosting in collaboration with the Terry Fox Foundation. As many of you know, the Fox family has deep historical Métis roots from the Red River, and we are committed to honoring Terry’s legacy by bringing the Terry Fox Run back to Abbotsford after a long hiatus. This event is not only significant for Métis people but also a great opportunity to raise money towards Cancer research. Anyone in the region is welcome to come together for a walk, run, or enjoy the sense of community.

Here are the details for the day:

Date: September 15th
Registration: 9:00am
Speakers and Warm-Up: 9:30am
Start Time: 10:00am
Run Duration: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch: 11:00am – 1:00pm (Métis-owned Wingerz food truck will be in attendance, with MNBC covering the cost for lunch.)
Location: Mill Lake Park Loop, Abbotsford (route to be shared soon), parking available off Bevan Road.

Swag, water, snacks, and lunch provided.
Distance: 4km, 8km (8km is the loop x 2)
Distances will be marked.
Accessibility: Bicycles, wheelchairs, and dogs on leashes are welcome.

Cultural/Historic Signage

To register for the run/walk, please visit the following link: https://run.terryfox.ca/69734

We hope to see you there to help keep Terry’s legacy alive!